The Kitchenless City
Anna Puigjaner

On the occasion of The Berlage Theory Master Class, entitled “A Journey Around My Room” and led by Béka & Lemoine, Anna Puigjaner will present her research project on kitchenless cities. There once was a time in the United States when collective housekeeping policies shaped housing typologies and urban growth to reduce domestic expenses. Hence,, housing was understood as a tool for social and urban transformation. Although these peculiar buildings have almost disappeared, they had a large international influence encouraging the construction of similar buildings that are still working today. This project examines these cases and defines a set of housing and urban strategies for better social welfare. Anna Puigjaner is an architect, editor, researcher, and cofounder of the architectural office MAIO.
The Berlage Keynotes is an ongoing lecture series featuring internationally prominent architects, designers, and thinkers who are at the forefront of design discourse and innovation. A selection of speakers working from different disciplinary perspectives and in different geographic, cultural, and political contexts present how their work engages with contemporary issues and debates. This spring semester, speakers include Christ & Gantenbein, OOZE, Francesca Torzo, Manthey Kula, PRODUCTORA, Anna Puigjaner, Vector Architects, Kieran Long, and Diener & Diener.
Image: Selection of New York kitchenless apartment facades, 1871–1929. Montage by Anna Puigjaner.