Confessions from an Artists Studio
John Wood & Paul Harrison
John Wood and Paul Harrison make things that move and things that don't, things that are flat and things that are not, things that are mildly amusing and things that are definitely not. They make works that form a kind of reference manual for how to do, make, build, or draw things that you probably never want to do, make, build, or draw. They do it for you. Even though you don't need them to. This attempt to compile an encyclopedia of the everyday, started in 1993 after they met at art college. John Wood (b.1969, Hong Kong) and Paul Harrison (b.1966, Wolverhampton)
John Wood and Paul Harrison website
John Wood and Paul Harrison instagram
The Berlage Keynotes is an ongoing lecture series featuring internationally prominent architects, designers, and thinkers who are at the forefront of design discourse and innovation. A selection of speakers working from different disciplinary perspectives and in different geographic, cultural, and political contexts present how their work engages with contemporary issues and debates. This fall semester, speakers include Bovenbouw, Arquitectura-G, Sophie Delhay Architecte, John Wood and Paul Harrison, Part Office, Lina Ghotmeh — Architecture, DnA_Design and Architecture, and Dorte Mandrup A/S.
All lectures are viewable online at and are open to the public at the Orange Room, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Delft.